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WSH@CHC: Harper throws out Rizzo at third base
CIN@CHC: Rizzo's throw nabs Votto at third base
CHC@WSH: Rizzo nabs Zimmerman at third base
STL@CHC: Fowler cuts down Rizzo at third base
Bryce Harper On the fly Throw to 3rd Base to get the runner out
CHC@WSH: Contreras throws out Turner at third base
WSH@CHC: Roark strikes out Rizzo to end the threat
ATL@WSH: Harper makes a strong throw to nab Kemp
DET@WSH: Harper beats DP throw after call overturned
WSH@CHC: Rundown helps Nats cut down Rizzo at home
Harper nabs Robles from 310 feet out!
WSH@CIN: Bruce's perfect throw gets Harper at third